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LED Light Therapy

  • LED, or light emitting diode therapy, is a skincare treatment that uses varying wavelengths of light, including red and blue.

  • NASA originally developed it for plant growth experiments on shuttle missions and later found it to have promise for wound treatment. LED light therapy is now used by some aestheticians to help regenerate the skin from aging. It’s also used for acne.

  • Our beautician will use red or blue light frequencies based on the skincare concern. Red is primarily used for anti-aging, while blue is used for acne treatment.

  • Unlike other types of light therapy, LEDs do not contain ultraviolet rays. Therefore, they’re safe for regular use.

  • LED light therapy doesn’t cause burns compared to other anti-aging treatments such as chemical peels, dermabrasion, and laser therapy.

  • You shouldn’t use LED light therapy if you take Accutane for acne or if you’re experiencing skin rashes.


What is LED light therapy?


Light emitting diode (LED) light therapy is growing in popularity. Using varying LED wavelengths, this skincare technique purportedly helps:

  • treat acne

  • reduce inflammation

  • promote anti-aging effects

You may be a candidate for LED light therapy if you have these types of skincare concerns and haven’t gotten the results you want from over-the-counter (OTC) skin products. LED therapy is also safe for all skin colours, and it doesn’t cause any burning.


Red light


Red, or infrared light is used for treating the epidermis, which is the outer layer of skin. When the light is applied to your skin, the epidermis absorbs it and then stimulates collagen proteins.

In theory, more collagen means that your skin will look smoother and fuller, which can reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Red LED light is also thought to reduce inflammation while improving circulation, which can give you a healthier glow.


Blue light


Blue LED light therapy, on the other hand, targets the sebaceous glands, which are also called oil glands. They’re located beneath your hair follicles.

Sebaceous glands are necessary for lubricating your skin and hair so that it doesn’t dry out. However, these glands can become overactive, leading to oily skin and acne.

The blue LED light therapy can target these oil glands and make them less active. In turn, you may see fewer acne breakouts. Blue light can also kill acne-causing bacteria beneath the skin, which can help treat severe acne pimples, including cysts and nodules.

Oftentimes, blue LED light is used in conjunction with red LED light to:

  • help treat acne

  • decrease scarring

  • promote anti-inflammatory effects

One 2018 animal study found that blue LED improved healing of third-degree skin burns.

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